JUDICIARY Latest Features

Mbale High Court Commences Five-Day Plea Bargaining Prison Camp
Plea Bargain Camp in Mbale

A five-day Plea Bargaining Camp for capital offences at Malukhu Prison was on Friday opened by Mbale Resident Judge, Justice Lubega Farouq.

Justice Lubega sensitized the inmates about Plea Bargaining and why it's important for only accused persons who know that they are guilty to enrol for it.

By the close of business on Friday, at least 86 inmates had expressed willingness to be part of the programme. Of these, Justice Lubega handled 17 files and will conclude the rest in the course of the week.

Participating in the camp; were Assistant Registrar Mbale HW Nankya Nusulah, Mr Aliwali Kizito Chief State Attorney led the team from the Office of the Director of PublicProsecutions while Ms Cheptoek Nancy and Mr Ntuyu Shafiq, are the Defence Lawyers.

SSP Ninsima Maureen, the Officer in charge Mbale Main Prison, thanked the Judge for the timely Plea Bargaining Camp.

Posted 7th, June 2024
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